Si ricomincia...Tra un libro e l'altro ho preparato qualcosa in questi due mesi e ho messo da parte foto e ricette aspettando momenti più tranquilli. Giovedì mattina ho superato il mio esame quindi mi prendo una bella pausa per tornare alla cucina.
Ho scelto questi mini pankakes che archivierò tra gli antipasti...Non ho avuto problemi nel prepararli, al primo tentativo sono venuti subito bene, tutti... e questo è un requisito piuttosto raro nelle ricette, almeno in quelle che scelgo io. Quindi se cercate qualcosa che non vi faccia impazzire e che vi consenta di stare in cucina senza stress, questa è la ricetta giusta.
Si possono preparare in anticipo e poi scaldarli oppure si possono mangiare subito, in piedi, in attesa che qualcuno finisca di fotografarli ;))
Ricetta dal sito Wholefoods
Ingredienti per 12 pancakes
1 vasetto di yogurt
cannella o una spezia a piacere
2 porri
2 carote grandi grattuggiate (450 gr circa)
1 patata grattuggiata (350 gr circa)
1 uovo
2 cucchiai rasi di farina
6 cucchiai di olio d'oliva
Ho modificato un pò la ricetta originale, che potete trovare sul sito se volete.
Ho tagliato i porri a fette sottilissime, eliminando la parte verde.
Dopo aver grattuggiato le patate le ho messe nello scolapasta e le ho strizzate, poi ho finito di asciugarle con la carta da cucina, devono essere ben asciutte.
Ho mescolato tutti gli ingredienti in una ciotola, ad eccezione dello yogurt e della cannella.
Ho formato i mini pancakes e li ho cotti in un tegame grande, in due volte, dividendo i 6 cucchiai d'olio.
Lasciare uno spazio di circa 3 cm tra un pancake e l'altro, cuocerli per 8/10 minuti girandoli una volta. Servirli con lo yogurt o anche senza, sono buoni lo stesso!

For Liverpuddlians and English speaking people everywhere …
Here we go again...Despite all of my studying, I managed to cook some things. I prepared a few dishes "between" history books and I put some pictures and recipes on the back-burner waiting for quieter times. Thursday morning I passed my exam so I think I deserve a nice long break and to get back to my cooking for a while. I chose these mini-pancakes which I will put on my blog archive among starters. I didn't have any problem making them, they came out well on the first attempt....and this is a rare occurrence in recipes, or at lest in the ones I choose.
So if you are looking for something that won't drive you crazy and allow you to have a stress free time in the kitchen, this is just the recipe for you.
You can make them in advance and heat them afterwards or you can eat them immediately, while standing, until the last picture has been taken!
Song of the day : Good Times Coming Feel The Sun....
Recipe taken from Whole Foods Market site
Makes 2 dozen
Make these easy bites ahead, if you like. Once cooled, layer them between sheets of parchment paper in an airtight container then re-crisp on a lightly oiled baking sheet in a 400°F oven just before serving. There are three choices for flavoring the sour cream—spicy, savory or sweet and sour. Choose your favorite or reduce the amounts to make all three and offer a variety.
1/2 cup light sour cream
1 small chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, minced OR 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard OR 2 tablespoons cranberry
2 green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 small yellow onion, grated
2 large carrots (about 1/2 pound), peeled and grated
1 large russet potato (about 3/4 pound), peeled, grated and squeezed to remove excess water
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
In a small bowl combine sour cream with your flavoring choice: chipotle pepper, mustard or cranberry sauce. Set aside. In a large bowl, fold together onions, carrots, potatoes, egg, flour, salt and pepper until well combined. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, form each pancake by dropping about 2 tablespoons of the potato mixture into the skillet. Space pancakes about an inch apart, flatten and cook, flipping once, until deep golden brown and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes total. (Add remaining 3 tablespoons oil to skillet halfway through.) Transfer to a paper-towel lined baking sheet to drain briefly. Serve with a teaspoon of flavored sour cream on each.

For Liverpuddlians and English speaking people everywhere …
Here we go again...Despite all of my studying, I managed to cook some things. I prepared a few dishes "between" history books and I put some pictures and recipes on the back-burner waiting for quieter times. Thursday morning I passed my exam so I think I deserve a nice long break and to get back to my cooking for a while. I chose these mini-pancakes which I will put on my blog archive among starters. I didn't have any problem making them, they came out well on the first attempt....and this is a rare occurrence in recipes, or at lest in the ones I choose.
So if you are looking for something that won't drive you crazy and allow you to have a stress free time in the kitchen, this is just the recipe for you.
You can make them in advance and heat them afterwards or you can eat them immediately, while standing, until the last picture has been taken!
Song of the day : Good Times Coming Feel The Sun....
Recipe taken from Whole Foods Market site
Makes 2 dozen
Make these easy bites ahead, if you like. Once cooled, layer them between sheets of parchment paper in an airtight container then re-crisp on a lightly oiled baking sheet in a 400°F oven just before serving. There are three choices for flavoring the sour cream—spicy, savory or sweet and sour. Choose your favorite or reduce the amounts to make all three and offer a variety.
1/2 cup light sour cream
1 small chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, minced OR 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard OR 2 tablespoons cranberry
2 green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 small yellow onion, grated
2 large carrots (about 1/2 pound), peeled and grated
1 large russet potato (about 3/4 pound), peeled, grated and squeezed to remove excess water
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
In a small bowl combine sour cream with your flavoring choice: chipotle pepper, mustard or cranberry sauce. Set aside. In a large bowl, fold together onions, carrots, potatoes, egg, flour, salt and pepper until well combined. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, form each pancake by dropping about 2 tablespoons of the potato mixture into the skillet. Space pancakes about an inch apart, flatten and cook, flipping once, until deep golden brown and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes total. (Add remaining 3 tablespoons oil to skillet halfway through.) Transfer to a paper-towel lined baking sheet to drain briefly. Serve with a teaspoon of flavored sour cream on each.