Più passa il tempo e più mi sembra che la qualità delle mie foto stia peggiorando.
L'unica scusante che ho consiste nel fatto che il mio blog, esclusa una lunga pausa, è nato da poco e non ho molto tempo da dedicargli, purtroppo. Di conseguenza scatto foto raramente, altrettanto raramente inserisco i miei post e quindi non faccio molta pratica con la fotografia. La scorsa settimana ho scattato foto per tre giorni di seguito ma ogni volta che andavo a controllarle al computer era una delusione.
Tuttavia, dopo un momento di disperazione mi sono ripresa ed ho cominciato a visitare il web alla ricerca di consigli sulla food photography. Finalmente, con mia grande gioia ho trovato un post fantastico, molto chiaro e facile da seguire. Voglio ringraziare: Helen per i consigli preziosi, Leemei per aver ospitato Helen, Staximo per la traduzione perfetta e Comidademama che, attraverso il suo blog interessantissimo mi ha portato al post di Helen.
A proposito di food blogs, voglio citarne 2 tra i miei preferiti, Fiordizucca e 101cookboks, sono tutt'e due delle ottime cuoche e fotografe di talento, le loro ricette sono veramente speciali e le loro foto sono splendide.
La canzone del giorno è With a Little Luck che mi ricorda Linda McCartney, una persona speciale e una grande fotografa
Ingredienti per 3/4 persone: 300 gr carote 300 gr patate 300 gr broccoletti siciliani aglio olio d'oliva 1/2 tazza di latte noce moscata 2 tuorli sodi 1/2 tazza di olive nere snocciolate 2 cucchiai di margarina Salsa al parmigiano: 1/2 tazza di latte 1 cucchiaino di fecola 2 cucchiaini di parmigiano
Lessare i broccoli tagliati a cimette per 5/7 minuti. Saltarli in padella con aglio e olio. Sbriciolare i tuorli e aggiungerli ai broccoli. Sbucciare le carote e le patate, tagliarle in grossi pezzi e lessarle separatamente fino a ridurle in purea. Condire le carote con olio, sale e aggiungere le olive tagliate a pezzetti. In una pentola mettere le patate, aggiungere il latte, la margarina e mescolare su fuoco medio per 3 minuti. In un coppapasta disporre le verdure a strati. Preparare la salsa scaldando il latte e aggiungendo la fecola e il parmigiano. Fare addensare per pochi minuti su fuoco basso. Servire la parmentier calda, passandola nel forno a 160° per 15 minuti oppure, se preferite, a temperatura ambiente con sopra un pò di salsa.
For Liverpuddlians and English speaking people everywhere.....
As time goes by, it seems my food photography skills are getting worse.
The only excuse I have is that I've just started my blog and I can dedicate very little time to it, therefore I shoot my pictures occasionally, I post rarely and I lack in practice. Last week I spent 3 days taking pictures, I couldn't put my camera down but whenever I went to load up my memory card it was a disappointment.
However, after a moment of despair I regained my confidence and began to take a look around the web searching for food photography tips. Finally, I came across a fantastic post : a brilliant tutorial, very clear and easy to follow. I wish to thank Helen for sharing your knowledge with us, Leemei for hosting Helen, Staximo for the perfect translation and Comidademama who, through her very interesting blog, brought to Helen's post! Talking about food blogs, I wish to mention 2 of my favourite bloggers, Fiordizucca and 101cookboks: they are both creative cooks and talented photografer, their recipes are to die for and their pictures are just amazing!
Song of the day: With a little luck which reminds me of Linda McCartney, a wonderful person and a great photographer.
As time goes by, it seems my food photography skills are getting worse.
The only excuse I have is that I've just started my blog and I can dedicate very little time to it, therefore I shoot my pictures occasionally, I post rarely and I lack in practice. Last week I spent 3 days taking pictures, I couldn't put my camera down but whenever I went to load up my memory card it was a disappointment.
However, after a moment of despair I regained my confidence and began to take a look around the web searching for food photography tips. Finally, I came across a fantastic post : a brilliant tutorial, very clear and easy to follow. I wish to thank Helen for sharing your knowledge with us, Leemei for hosting Helen, Staximo for the perfect translation and Comidademama who, through her very interesting blog, brought to Helen's post! Talking about food blogs, I wish to mention 2 of my favourite bloggers, Fiordizucca and 101cookboks: they are both creative cooks and talented photografer, their recipes are to die for and their pictures are just amazing!
Song of the day: With a little luck which reminds me of Linda McCartney, a wonderful person and a great photographer.
Ingredients for 3/4: 300gr carrots 300 gr potatoes 300 gr broccoli garlic olive oil 2 hard-boiled egg yolks 1/2 cup milk nutmeg 2 Tbs margarine 1/4 cup pitted black olives For the parmesan cheese sauce: 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp potato flour 2 tsp parmesan cheese
Cut broccoli into florets and boil them in salted water for 4 to 7 minutes. In a skillet, sautè in oil and garlic. Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut them into large chunks and boil them separately until tender. Make a purè. Season the carrots with salt, oil and add the olives roughly chopped. In a small pan melt the margariine, add the potatoes, salt, milk and nutmeg. Stir for 3 minutes. Using a serving circle arrange the 3 vegetables mixture in layers. You can serve at room temperature or warm, then place in oven at 160° for 15 minutes.
2 commenti:
Ciao!! Thanks for dropping by my blog! I am glad that you found the food photography tips useful!!
You have got really delicious food blog too! :)
Hi Lee Mei! Thank you very much for visiting and for leaving your comment! I'm very happy you like my blog:))
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