L'inverno è finito...era ora...
E' stato freddo, grigio e piovoso. Niente di nuovo insomma, ma non si può chiudere una stagione in tre parole con il solito commento sul clima. La verità, per dirla tutta e forse è meglio così, è che il mio inverno è stato pessimo, pieno di pensieri, tristi e bui come l'inverno. In effetti non sapevo cosa scrivere, soprattutto dopo aver visitato alcuni blog molto belli che salutano l'arrivo della Primavera con un tripudio di fiori, luce e colori e che trasmettono l'allegria e l'ottimismo di chi scrive. La cosa all'inizio mi ha lasciato senza parole perchè la Primavera non mi fa lo stesso effetto. Poi pensandoci bene mi sono accorta di non essere sola in questo momento, ci sono tante amiche intorno a me che condividono le stesse esperienze e questo mi ha fatto sentire molto meglio. Ultimamente ho trascurato il mio rifugio culinario che ne ha risentito un pò, ma per ritrovare l'entusiasmo ho ordinato un nuovo obiettivo per la mia Canon e spero che arrivi presto :))
Nel frattempo ho continuato comunque a mangiare! Tanto, troppo! Per consolarmi ho preparato questa crema, mi ricordo di aver tagliato diverse fette di pane, fino ad esaurimento scorte!
Canzone del giorno: The long and winding road, la riascolto pensando alle mie amiche Manu, Pat, Mary, Anita e Chiara e pensando a quando abbiamo visto insieme il nostro Paul a Parigi che la cantava commosso....e noi più di lui!
4oogr di patate dolci
1/2 avocado
3 cucchiai di tahini
succo di mezzo limone
olio d'oliva
Lessare le patate e passarle nel mixer. Aggiungere l'avocado e frullare brevemente, lasciando interi alcuni pezzi di polpa. In una ciotola, condire il purè con il resto degli ingredienti.
For Liverpuddlians and English speaking people everywhere …
Winter is over...it's about time...
It was cold, grey and rainy. Nothing new in the end, but I cannot end the season just like that, with a consideration on the weather. The truth, to be honest and maybe it's better like this, is that my winter was awful, full of thoughts, as sad and dark as the season itself.
Actually, I didn't know what to write about, especially after visiting some beautiful blog that greet the coming springtime with a feast of flowers, lights and colors which communicate the joy and optimism of the person who is writing.
The thing let me speechless at first because spring isn't having the same effect on me.
Then, thinking it over, I realised I'm not alone in this moment, I have al ot of friends around me who share my same experiences and this made me feel better.
Lately I have neglected my "culinary refuge" which is suffering a bit from the effects, but to regain my enthusiasm I ordered a new lens for my Canon and I hope it arrives soon.
In the meantime I kept on eating, of course! A lot, too much! So to soothe my soul I made this cream, I remember cutting several slices of bread, until "exhaustion of resources" :))
Song of the day: The long and winding road...I listened to it thinking of my friends Manu, Pat, Mary, Anita and Chiara and remembering when, together in Paris, we saw our Paul singing this song. Paul looked visibly moved...and we more than him!
Ingredients for 2 people:
400gr sweet potatoes
1/2 avocado
3 Tbs tahini
1/2 lemon juice
olive oil
Blend the boiled potatoes in a food processor until creamy. Add the avocado and mix roughly for a few seconds, leaving it slightly chunky. In a bowl season the purè with remaining ingredients.
For Liverpuddlians and English speaking people everywhere …
Winter is over...it's about time...
It was cold, grey and rainy. Nothing new in the end, but I cannot end the season just like that, with a consideration on the weather. The truth, to be honest and maybe it's better like this, is that my winter was awful, full of thoughts, as sad and dark as the season itself.
Actually, I didn't know what to write about, especially after visiting some beautiful blog that greet the coming springtime with a feast of flowers, lights and colors which communicate the joy and optimism of the person who is writing.
The thing let me speechless at first because spring isn't having the same effect on me.
Then, thinking it over, I realised I'm not alone in this moment, I have al ot of friends around me who share my same experiences and this made me feel better.
Lately I have neglected my "culinary refuge" which is suffering a bit from the effects, but to regain my enthusiasm I ordered a new lens for my Canon and I hope it arrives soon.
In the meantime I kept on eating, of course! A lot, too much! So to soothe my soul I made this cream, I remember cutting several slices of bread, until "exhaustion of resources" :))
Song of the day: The long and winding road...I listened to it thinking of my friends Manu, Pat, Mary, Anita and Chiara and remembering when, together in Paris, we saw our Paul singing this song. Paul looked visibly moved...and we more than him!
Ingredients for 2 people:
400gr sweet potatoes
1/2 avocado
3 Tbs tahini
1/2 lemon juice
olive oil
Blend the boiled potatoes in a food processor until creamy. Add the avocado and mix roughly for a few seconds, leaving it slightly chunky. In a bowl season the purè with remaining ingredients.